March 11, 2025
Wisdom Teeth Removal

The Top 5 Reasons to Have Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth Removal, also known as third molars, usually emerge between the ages of 16 and 25. While it is possible to have no problems with these molars, the majority of people will face troubles. Most issues arise when a tooth gets impacted. An impacted tooth is one that is completely or partially hidden by the gums or bone.


To properly comprehend the advantages of wisdom teeth removal, it is necessary to first comprehend the issues that they might create. Wisdom teeth that are painless and appear inconspicuous are easy to overlook, but even asymptomatic molars may wreck havoc on your gums and cause periodontal disease. The following are a few of the most prevalent issues connected with impacted teeth.

  • Jaw discomfort
  • Jaw pain and swelling
  • Gums that are inflamed and irritable
  • Gum bleeding
  • Breath that stinks
  • Structure damage in the nearby area
  • Gum and/or bone loss


Aside from the inconvenience mentioned above, impacted wisdom teeth might lead to more significant disorders and illnesses. While there are several grounds for wisdom teeth extraction, these are the top five to help you make an informed decision.

  1. Infection and inflammation

Wisdom teeth frequently cause gum irritation due to a combination of restricted space and partial impactions. This can result in painful gum disease or other health problems. Recent research indicates that once inflammation occurs, it is extremely difficult to treat. It frequently spreads to neighbouring locations. When a tooth is partially impacted, the space between it and the gums becomes a breeding ground for germs, increasing the risk of infection significantly.


When wisdom teeth emerge, they attempt to enter an already crowded space. Neighboring teeth are frequently pushed aside due to a lack of space. As a result, there is misalignment. Wisdom teeth may destroy a straight smile and utterly unravel years of dental treatment, regardless of whether your gorgeous smile is the result of braces or heredity.

  1. Damage to neighbouring teeth

While overcrowding is probable, wisdom teeth can do more than just violate their neighbours’ space. In fact, they can cause bone loss and cavities in the surrounding second molars.

  1. Cysts and tumours

An impacted wisdom teeth can cause microscopic tumours or cysts in the jawbone, which can cause joint discomfort, necessitating the intervention of a TMJ expert and a number of TMJ treatment choices that you would want to avoid.

  1. Difficult to maintain cleanliness

Even if you do not suffer any discomfort or evident issues as a result of the arrival of your wisdom teeth, your future dental hygiene may be jeopardised. Space is most likely limited, and brushing and flossing around a wisdom teeth might be tough. Because of their small size and difficult access, these teeth are great candidates for cavities and plaque development.


While many people may live with these teeth without any discomfort or problems, others develop troubles that worsen with age. Without extraction, you may suffer from recurring infections and discomfort that necessitate significant treatment choices, drugs, and other measures. Concerns can be addressed by meeting with your general dental practitioner, a wisdom tooth specialist, or an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.